Water4Life Mozambique
Clean. Safe. Drinking Water.
Drilling water wells in rural villages of Mozambique, Africa.
Mussawana Village Water Well, in Mozambique
Gallons of Fresh Water Pumped at the Mussawana Village Water Well, Mozambique
Starting on Nov. 1st, 2024, this is the number of gallons, pumped to date, by a single Mussawana water well.
Water Well Statistics in Mozambique
380 376 Number of Wells Drilled To Date
1,710,000 Gallons of Water Pumped Daily
456,000 People Served by the Wells
100% of all donations go to building and supplying water wells in Mozambique. All other costs are supported by our board members.
"Water4Life Mozambique" is not associated with "Water4Life Global" or "Water4Life Ministry"
Water Wells and Facilities in Mozambique
Providing Clean Drinking Water in Mozambique
We drill when funds are available
Drilling is being done all year long, as funds are available.
100% of donations given for water wells, go to drill new water wells.
All of Water4LifeMozambique overhead expenses are covered by our Board of Directors.
Your gift will change their lives!
Every child deserves clean water to drink. As you see in the picture, the young girl has a pencil in her mouth as she is one of the lucky ones that can go to school each day! No more long, dangerous walks fetching dirty water. With a water well in their village, girls remain safe. They'll get an education! Clean water changes everything!